10 natural foods for healthy kidneys

1.LEMON:it  helps curing kidney stones,  the citrus in it prevents the crystal from binding with each other.
Also,the acid in the lemon juice keeps your kidneys problem-free.
     •Take 2 table spoons of fresh lemon
        juice daily for cleansing of your

2.RED BELL PEPPERS:red bell peppers are low in potassium and high in flavor, but that's not only reason they're perfect for kidney diet .
They're also an excellent source of vitamin C,A,vitamin B6,folic acid and fiber, which help impaired kidneys.
       •Eat red bell peppers raw with dip
          as a snack or appetizer, or chop
          and add to different salads.

3.CAULIFLOWER:Is a kidney-friendly super food rich in vitamin C,folate and fiber.It's dialysis friendly and helps with better functioning of kidneys.
         •Add it to salads.plus, mashed
           cauliflower can be used in place
           of potatoes for a lost-potassium
           side dish.

4.KIDNEY-FRIENDLY CARBS:People with kidney disease need to keep up their energy levels with simple and complex carbohydrates.
          •Whole-grain breads,brown rice
             and some vegetables and fruits
             make up for good carbs for
             Kidney patients.
          •Avoid products that contain
             refined sugar,such as cakes,pies
             cookies,candies and pastries.

5.CABBAGE:It acts as a natural medicine to repair and nourish the kidneys.
Moreover,being low in potassium, it makes a great addition to a dialysis diet
            •Enjoy raw cabbage in coleslaw
              or other salads.

6.KIDNEY-FRIENDLY FRUITS:Nothing beats an apple when we talk about the best ftuits for people with damage kidneys.
Apple are also high in fiber and have anti-inflammatory properties,which improve kidney function.
               strawberries, raspberries, red
               grapes and cherries,all are
               kidney disease fighters.

7.EGG WHITES:For the kidney diet,egg whites provide the right amount of protein than other protein sources such as egg yolk or meats.
Egg whites is one of the best diets for healthy kidneys.
              •Make an omelet or egg white
                sandwich or add whites of
                hard-boiled eggs to garden
                salad to add extra protein.

8.OLIVE OIL:Is an anti-inflammatory agent and is the best home remedy to treat kidney stones naturally.
It helps greatly to maintain healthy kidneys.
               •Use olive oil to make salad
                  dressing,in cooking,for
                  dipping bread or for
                  marinating vegetables.

9.ONIONS:They are excellent for providing sodium-free flavor to renal  diet dishes.
Onions help detoxify the kidneys and prevent many types of kidney-related problems.
                  •Sautéeing onions with
                     garlic and olive oil adds
                     flavor to dishes without
                     compromising your kidney

10.GARLIC:It provides a delicious alternative to salt,adding flavor to dishes while providing nutritional benefits.
It helps in protecting the kidneys from harmful effects of heavy metals such as cadmium and lead.
                     •Consume 1 or 2 garlic
                        clove on an empty
                         stomach everyday.
Also,garlic powder is a great substitute for garlic salt in dialysis diet.


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